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With 500 m span and its single pylon Komárom bridge is linking Hungary and Slovakia 100 km West from Budapest. Sixense has the mission to design, fabricate and install a full EverSense® Structural Health Monitoring System (SHMS) .
The system includes different type of sensors such as stay cable load sensors, bearing displacement, temperature, video cameras and a weather station with an integrated road surface condition sensors.
The EverSense® SHMS will allow to follow the behavior of the structure, alert in case of abnormal activities and ensure the security of the user.
In a few years the operator of the bridge will use the data generated by the system in order to plan its maintenance and secure the design life of the structure.
Installation of the system went through during the COVID-19 lockdown period which made it more challenging. Thanks to our local entity Sixense Hungary, the installation was made possible despite lockdown with remote assistance from our SHMS experts.
The bridge was inaugurated mid-september 2020.