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Our design offices specialised in climate resilience, Resallience, assists the Deposit Fund Caisse des Dépôts (CDC) Habitat with its adaptation strategy to climate change. They joined forces with our experts in engineering of existing structures to develop the first DPR platform (Climate Resilience Performance Diagnosis).
It is a decision support system composed of, on one hand, a hypervisor, powered by a geographical information system, and on the other hand, an analytical spreadsheet. The DPR allows to assess the criticality level of built heritage to climate risks. It also analyses the technical and financial risks of impact of these contingencies on the components, the subsystems and the systems of the groups of buildings. The DPR applies to all the property assets of CDC Habitat, close to 500 000 housings, and will allow to power the pluri-annual plans of investments to restore this heritage, to adapt the design of the new constructions and this way, better adapt to climate change on the horizon of 2050.
This project comes within the scope of a partnership between CDC Habitat, the FFA Insurance (French Federation of Insurances and the association of natural risks mission – MNR) created in 2000 by insurers in order to contribute to a better knowledge of natural risks.
Discover the article from CDC Habitat for more information.