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After 2 years of collaboration, investment, adjustments of our processes and adaptation to EDF’s quality charter, the Technical Operational Unit of EDF granted us a new qualification in the field of chemicophysical analysis.
Applied in November 2020, this qualification recognises our teams’ skills, efficiency and the quality of our analysis:
- Identifications of suspended materials,
- Laser granulomety Analyses,
- Microscopic fiber count
- MEB* Analysis and chemical analysis to determine the content of various elements.
Those analysis allow EDF to qualify water materials with nuclear power plants wastes and highlight our wish to permanently provide improvements for the services provided.
For more information, please get in touch with isabelle.gachet@sixense-group.com
MEB* : (in french) Microscopie Electronique à Balayage, (in english) Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM)