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Sixense takes part in writing international monitoring standards
A group of about ten European experts has been working since 2010 on writing international monitoring standards.
Sixense is involved in the project via Martin Beth, director of our Monitoring Division France, by representing France among monitoring specialists from all over Europe, in charge of elaborating European and worldwide standards (CEN and ISO).
Their aim is to help sharing best practices in monitoring, by coordinating and writing them collectively.
Our expert explains :
Each standard takes between 2 and 3 years work in average and we will prepare about ten of them in the following years. The basic standard on general rules was published in 2015, followed by the standards on extensometers, inclinometers, piezometers and pore pressure cells. Our group is currently working on standards for liquid level settlement sensors, strain gauges and load cells and will start working shortly on geodetic monitoring instruments (automatic theodolites for example).
Martin Beth, director of Monitoring Division France, Sixense