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The world is facing a health crisis of unprecedented scale.
We have the responsibility to protect ourselves and collectively curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
Therefore, Sixense teams strictly observe the recommendations of public authorities. In all our activities, we apply the principle of precaution to guarantee the health and safety of our employees, our customers and our partners.
Sixense is a key player in construction services and infrastructure operations. Sixense teams work on infrastructures of strategic importance such as health, energy, personal safety, water, telecoms and transport.
Furthermore, Sixense is committed to serving its customers by providing crucial security services for their sites. We want to reassure all our customers and partners that we are fully mobilized to maintain continuous service within the bounds of what is feasible given the constraints of the current situation.
Our 3 primary concerns / objectives in the countries where we operate are to:
- Guarantee the necessary level of service on all projects required to maintain core infrastructure operations;
- Protect our employees and participate in the collective effort to contain the Covid-19 pandemic;
- Meet our customers and partners expectations by maintaining our services wherever possible.
Our teams remain mobilized to maintain activities. All staff who are able to work remotely have been placed on home office. Your usual contacts at Sixense remain available and ready to listen. In addition, we continue to engage in all daily actions necessary to ensure the proper advancement of our joint projects.
In response to the trust you have placed in us, rest assured of our total commitment and solidarity with you to overcome this extraordinary crisis impacting us all.