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Mont-Terri underground laboratory | Switzerland

Project summary:
High-availability experimental data acquisition system
Saint-Ursanne, Switzerland
Period of the service
2011 - 2021
Sixense solutions used

An international project

The Mont-Terri underground laboratory, managed by Swisstopo, is a research establishment near Saint-Ursanne in the canton of Jura in Switzerland. The laboratory, accessed by the Mont-Terri road tunnel, is conducting research into opalinus clay, the potential host rock for the planned storage of nuclear waste in Switzerland, in a deep geological layer.

Partners from Europe, the United States, Canada and Japan have come together to form the Mont-Terri Consortium to finance the programme and share its results.

Nearly 50 experiments are being conducted there using a large number of sensors spread over more than 800 boreholes, generating a large quantity of valuable data.

An international project

The Mont-Terri underground laboratory, managed by Swisstopo, is a research establishment near Saint-Ursanne in the canton of Jura in Switzerland. The laboratory, accessed by the Mont-Terri road tunnel, is conducting research into opalinus clay, the potential host rock for the planned storage of nuclear waste in Switzerland, in a deep geological layer.

Partners from Europe, the United States, Canada and Japan have come together to form the Mont-Terri Consortium to finance the programme and share its results.

Nearly 50 experiments are being conducted there using a large number of sensors spread over more than 800 boreholes, generating a large quantity of valuable data


Images of the project

5 100

measurement points in Geoscope


m of tunnel



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