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Training courses dedicated to issues
surrounding protection of surface with paint


We provide your teams with training leading to qualifications or customised in the field of steel and concrete protection for appraisal, diagnosis, defects, regulatory watches, worksite support, audits, etc.



Our catalogue

Several types of session are offered, depending on your profile and your objectives:

  • Introductory courses
  •  Certifying courses
    • ACQPA/FROSIO inspector
    • ACQPA N3, QRB 1 and QRB2 work supervisor for nuclear operators
  • Intra or inter-company versions
    • Design of “tailor-made” training courses


Our added value

We have been a training organisation for over 20 years (training centre approved under no. 93830339283 by the Prefect of the PACA region).
All our sessions are provided by our inspectors and experts with extensive experience in the field.
During each course we pay particular attention to the sharing of experiences and encourage discussion about the “field” issues you will encounter.